Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas fact sheets

The fact sheets below are provided to assist industry in complying with legislation and should be read in conjunction with the relevant guidelines.


Annual title assessment reports

Declaration of experience and disclosures

Frequently asked questions: Declaration of experience and disclosures

Financial resources

Signatures: Execution of NOPTA forms by companies

Petroleum Title Dealings: Supplementary Instruments

Change in control of a registered titleholder

Frequently asked questions: change in control of a registered titleholder

Updated licensing requirements for petroleum and greenhouse gas activities following the Federal Court ruling in the Commissioner of Taxation v Shell Energy Holdings Australia Limited (Clarification of Extended meaning of Explore)

Frequently asked questions: Title requirements for undertaking exploration operations and other activities outside of a title area (Clarification of Extended meaning of Explore)


Renewal of work–bid exploration permits: standard halving rules


Retention lease application content

Petroleum discoveries

Monthly production reports

Rate of recovery & equipment & procedures

Pipeline licences

Developing a petroleum resource

Cessation of Pipeline Operations and/or Petroleum Production

End of petroleum title

Surrender of offshore petroleum titles

Expiry of offshore petroleum titles

Cancellation of offshore petroleum titles

Good Standing Agreement: Regional studies

Greenhouse Gas

Greenhouse Gas search authority, special authority, and research consent

Notification of Eligible Greenhouse Gas Storage Formation

Key Greenhouse Gas operations

Greenhouse Gas Injection Licence and Site Plan Applications

Significant Risk of Significant Adverse Impact (SROSAI)

Risk Assessment in Offshore Greenhouse Gas Injection Licences and Site Plans

Monitoring Plans in Offshore Greenhouse Gas Injection Licences and Site Plans

Surrender of offshore Greenhouse Gas Titles

Expiry of offshore Greenhouse Gas Titles

Cancellation of offshore Greenhouse Gas Titles

Offshore Carbon Capture and Storage Regulatory Approvals 2023

Annual Title Assessment Reports – Greenhouse Gas

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