NEATS Secure Portal Guidance

The NEATS Secure Portal allows titleholders and applicants to submit applications and relevant Legislative Forms (2-7) and track the progress of applications.

The NEATS Secure Portal can be accessed via or through the NEATS website (

User guide

The new user guide can be found here:

NEATS Secure Portal Guidance

User Roles

The NEATS Secure Portal has the following roles, all users must be associated with a Company and can have one or more of the following roles.

Role Description
Company Company Administrator A Company Administrator is a role that is approved by Company Directors, and needs to be executed in accordance with NOPTA's signatures fact sheet. The Company Administrator includes all roles except for the Company Signer.

A Company Administrator can approve all permissions within NEATS for their company except for Company Application Signer or another Company Administrator and can edit existing user roles.
Company Signer A Company Signer has the authority to digitally sign Applications on behalf of the company within this portal. The form needs to be executed in accordance with NOPTA's signatures fact sheet.
Application Reader The Reader can view in–progress and draft applications
Creator The Creator can view and create in–progress and draft applications
Submitter The Submitter can view, create, and submit applications
Finance Payer The Payer can view and pay financial notifications
Legislative Forms Manager The Forms Manager can view, create, and submit Legislative forms (Forms 2 – 7).

The NEATS secure portal will continue to be developed and additional functionality will continue to be added. To be part of the NEATS working group, please email

Contact us

If you have any further questions on the above information, please contact NOPTA via the following:

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