NOPTA Forms Guidance

The NOPTA Forms Guidance – Petroleum and NOPTA Forms Guidance – Greenhouse Gas have been developed as a general guides to assist applicants and titleholders in making valid applications, notifications and nominations.

Notifications, nominations & declarations

Petroleum Forms 2 to 7

Notification of becoming a registered titleholder (Form 2)

Notification of change of contact details (Form 3)

Multiple titleholders nomination of single titleholder for service of documents (Form 4)

Revocation of nomination of single titleholder for service of documents (Form 5)

Multiple titleholders nomination of single titleholder for eligible voluntary action (Form 6)

Multiple titleholders revocation of nomination of single titleholder for eligible voluntary action (Form 7)

Greenhouse Gas Forms 2 to 7

Notification of becoming a registered titleholder (Form 2)

Notification of change of contact details (Form 3)

Multiple titleholders nomination of single titleholder for service of documents (Form 4)

Revocation of nomination of single titleholder for service of documents (Form 5)

Multiple titleholders nomination of single titleholder for eligible voluntary action (Form 6)

Multiple titleholders revocation of nomination of single titleholder for eligible voluntary action (Form 7)

Declarations Forms 8 to 10

Form 8 Natural Person Declaration form – disclosures and experience

Form 9 Body Corporate (Company) Declaration form – disclosures and experience

Form 10 Declaration of change of circumstances of a registered titleholder or applicant (section 695YC)

Petroleum exploration permit related applications

Application for a work–bid petroleum exploration permit

Application for a variation of condition(s) of title – petroleum exploration permit

Application for a suspension or suspension and extension of title – petroleum exploration permit

Application for a variation, and suspension or suspension and extension of title – petroleum exploration permit

Application for an exemption from condition(s) of title – petroleum exploration permit

Application for credit of work program condition(s) – petroleum exploration permit

Application for renewal of a petroleum exploration permit

Request for Good Standing Agreement

Application for consent of the Minister to a renewal or extension of term of title where a prior usage right exists under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Protection Conservation Act 1999

Active titles with prior usage right under the EPBC Act

Background to the offshore petroleum guideline: Prior usage right

Declaration of a location related applications

Nomination of block(s) for the purposes of declaring a location

Application for variation of a declaration of a location

Application for revocation of a declaration of a location

Request for extension of the application period (location) for a retention lease or production licence

Petroleum retention lease related applications

Application for a petroleum retention lease

Application for a variation of condition(s) of title – petroleum retention lease

Application for an exemption from condition(s) of title – petroleum retention lease

Application for renewal of a petroleum retention lease

Petroleum production licence related applications

Application for a petroleum production licence

Application for a petroleum production licence (to which the Royalty Act applies)

Application for a variation of condition(s) of title – petroleum production licence

Application for a variation of blocks: primary petroleum production licence (to which the Royalty Act applies)

Application for approval to undertake recovery of petroleum without accepted field development plan

Application for extension of approval to undertake recovery of petroleum without accepted field development plan

Application for acceptance of field development plan

Application for variation of field development plan

Application for approval of rate of recovery

Application for approval of equipment and procedures

Application for renewal of a fixed term petroleum production licence

Infrastructure licence related applications

Application for an infrastructure licence

Request for variation of infrastructure licence

Request for variation of condition(s) of title – infrastructure licence

Pipeline licence related applications

Application for a pipeline licence

Request variation of condition(s) – pipeline licence

Application for variation of a pipeline licence

Application for consent to cease to operate a pipeline licence

Petroleum authorities related applications

Application for a petroleum special prospecting authority

Application for a petroleum access authority

Request for variation of petroleum access authority

Request for extension of duration of a petroleum access authority

Request for a variation, suspension or exemption of conditions(s) of title – petroleum special prospecting authority or petroleum access authority

Application for a petroleum scientific investigation consent

Greenhouse gas assessment permit related applications

Application for work–bid greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for a consolidated work–bid greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for variation of condition(s) of title – greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for suspension or suspension and extension of title – greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for variation, and suspension or suspension and extension of title – greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for exemption from condition(s) of title – greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for credit of work program conditions – greenhouse gas assessment permit

Application for renewal of a greenhouse gas assessment permit

Key greenhouse gas operations

Application for approval for Key Greenhouse Gas Operation

Declaration of identified greenhouse gas storage formation related application

Application for declaration of an identified greenhouse gas storage formation

Application for variation of declaration of an identified greenhouse gas storage formation

Application for extension of application period for a greenhouse gas holding lease

Greenhouse gas holding lease and related applications

Application for greenhouse gas holding lease

Application for variation of condition(s) of title — greenhouse gas holding lease

Application for exemption from condition(s) of title — greenhouse gas holding lease

Application for renewal of a greenhouse gas holding lease

Greenhouse gas injection licence and related applications

Application for greenhouse gas injection licence

Greenhouse gas authorities related applications

Application for greenhouse gas search authority

Application for greenhouse gas special authority

Application for variation of greenhouse gas special authority

Application for greenhouse gas research consent

Transfers, dealings and change in control

Application for approval of dealing affecting a petroleum title

Application for approval of dealing affecting a greenhouse gas title

Application for transfer of a petroleum title

Application for transfer of a greenhouse gas title

Application for change of company name

Change in control – Application for approval

Change in control – Notification of change in circumstances

Notification of change in control

Applications related to all titles

Request for longer period for grant of a petroleum title

Request for longer period for grant of a greenhouse gas title

Request for grant of a petroleum title

Request for grant of a greenhouse gas title

Request for extension of time to lodge an application for renewal of a petroleum title

Request for extension of time to lodge an application for renewal of a greenhouse gas title

Application for consent to surrender a petroleum title

Application for consent to surrender a greenhouse gas title

Notification of surrender of a petroleum title

Notification of surrender of a greenhouse gas title

Request for withdrawal of a petroleum application

Request for withdrawal of a greenhouse gas application

Transmittal and data submissions

Transmittal—reprocessed survey

Transmittal—seismic survey

Transmittal—petroleum mining samples

Transmittal—thin section



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