Monthly production reports

Regulation 7.19 of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (RMA Regulations) requires production licensees to submit monthly production reports.

NOPTA has developed a monthly production report template in consultation with operators of offshore production licenses. It is expected this template will be used for all production reporting purposes. Notes to assist in the completion of this template have also been developed.

The template, notes on completion and factsheet are available below.

Reports should be submitted to in Excel format.

Public release of offshore production data

Please note NOPTA does not make offshore production data available for public release as it is classified by the Titles Administrator as permanently confidential under Regulation 8.02(3) of the RMA Regulations.

For further information please see requests for publicly released data.

More information

If you have any specific questions regarding your report, please email

Related documents

Fact sheet—Monthly production reports

Monthly production report template

Monthly production report template—notes for completion

Useful links

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