Requests for publicly released data

Petroleum and greenhouse gas samples

For more information about viewing or sampling petroleum or greenhouse gas samples such as core, cuttings and hydrocarbons, please view Sample management.

State agencies

Prior to 1 January 2012, offshore Commonwealth petroleum data was collected by the Designated Authorities. Historical Commonwealth petroleum data from before 2012 may also be available from state operated systems.

Onshore petroleum data including the territorial waters administered by each state and territory is also available through these jurisdictions.

Offshore production data

NOPTA does not make offshore production data available for public release as it is classified by the Titles Administrator as permanently confidential under Regulation 8.02(3) of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Resource Management and Administration) Regulations 2011 (RMA Regulations).

Individual petroleum titleholders and operators may choose to make production and other information available and you may wish to contact those companies directly. Details of Australian offshore titleholders and permits is available through the National Electronic Approvals Tracking System (NEATS).

Certain aggregated data may be available through Geoscience Australia publications.

More information

For information on submission and release of petroleum and greenhouse gas samples and digital data, and the access and use of confidential information, contact NOPTA at

For information about the access and use of open-file data (available for public release) view NOPIMS or contact the NOPDCR at

Useful links

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