National Offshore Petroleum Information Management System (NOPIMS)

The National Offshore Petroleum Information System (NOPIMS) provides access to publicly available data on offshore petroleum and greenhouse gas storage activities.

This includes activities submitted under the:

  • Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act)
  • OPGGS Act, Resource Management Administration (RMA) Regulations 2011 and predecessors.

Digital well and survey data

All publicly released digital data is available to download from NOPIMS:

  • Well data includes well completion reports, logs, vertical seismic profiles and core photography.
  • Survey data includes acquisition, processing and interpretation reports, navigation, processed and velocity data and observer logs.

Larger data packages can be ordered via NOPIMS. These are on hard drives or other physical media.

NOPIMS data tables and spatial feature services are also available via NOPIMS Direct Access.

NOPIMS features

You can use NOPIMS to:

  • find well and survey data, including reprocessing data using a range of criteria
  • discover activities conducted under the RMA Regulations upon commencement and prior to information release
  • download data for activities released under Regulation (after confidentiality periods expire)
  • access the interactive map of activities.

To access sample physical assets such as core, cuttings or fluids visit the Offshore petroleum mining samples page.

Help us improve NOPIMS

NOPIMS will continue to be enhanced over time. If you would like to be involved in workshops on the future of NOPIMS, please email to register.

Contact us

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