A range of government departments and statutory authorities are involved in administering the regulatory regime for the offshore petroleum and GHG sector in Australia. The relevant departments and authorities, and their respective responsibilities, are outlined below.
Responsible Commonwealth Minister – Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia
Information on the Minister for Resources and Minister for Northern Australia is available on the department's website at: The Hon Madeleine King MP
Further information on the role of NOPTA can be found here.
Offshore Petroleum Joint Authorities
Further information on the Offshore Petroleum Joint Authorities can be found here.
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority
The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is Australia's independent expert regulator for health and safety, structural (well) integrity and environmental management for all offshore oil and gas operations and greenhouse gas storage activities in Commonwealth waters, and in coastal waters where regulatory powers and functions have been conferred.
For further information on NOPSEMA see www.nopsema.gov.au