Relevant Decision Makers

NOPTA provides information, assessments, analysis, reports, advice and recommendations to the relevant decision makers under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (OPGGS Act).

Offshore Petroleum Decisions

The decision maker for offshore petroleum applications and application related requests under the OPGGS Act is either the relevant Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority or the Titles Administrator.

Grant and Renewal (exploration permits, retention leases and production licences)

Extension of time to lodge a renewal application

Declaration of a location (including variation or revocation)

Extension to an application period (location)

Grant of a pipeline and infrastructure licences (including variation & consent to cease a pipeline)

Change of company name & devolution of title (all titles)

Variation, suspension, extension or exemption of a condition of title

Credits (work program)

Field Development Plan (including variation), rate of recovery, equipment and procedures

Dealings, Transfers and Change in Control (all titles)

Surrender and cancellation (including good standing)

Access Authorities (short term title)

Scientific Investigation Consent

Special Prospecting Authorities (Short term title)

The Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority (Joint Authority) for each state and the Northern Territory comprises the responsible Commonwealth Minister and the relevant state or Northern Territory minister.

The Joint Authority arrangements for the following offshore areas comprises the responsible Commonwealth Minister only:

  • Tasmania
  • Eastern Greater Sunrise
  • Offshore areas of external territories (e.g. the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands)
  • Bayu–Undan pipeline international offshore area (as described in schedule 8 of the OPGGS Act).

The Joint Authorities may delegate any or all of their functions and powers to Commonwealth and state/NT department officials.

The current Joint Authority members and the departments of their delegates


The Hon. Madeleine King MP

Western Australia

The Hon. David Michael MLA


The Hon. Lily D'Ambrosio MP

Northern Territory

The Hon. Nicole Manison MLA

South Australia

The Hon. Tom Koutsantonis MP

New South Wales

The Hon. Courtney Houssos MLC


The Hon. Scott Stewart MP

The 'Operating Protocols for Offshore Petroleum Joint Authorities and supporting institutions’ (Joint Authority Protocol) provides a high-level framework and clarifies the roles and functions of the Joint Authority, NOPTA, the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environment Management Authority (NOPSEMA) and other stakeholders.

Operating protocols for offshore petroleum Joint Authorities and supporting institutions

Application Assessment Process

For Joint Authority decisions, NOPTA submits its technical assessment reports to the Joint Authority, or its delegates, through the relevant Commonwealth and State/NT departments. Where the Joint Authority comprises only the responsible Commonwealth Minister, NOPTA will submit its report to the Joint Authority or its delegate via the Commonwealth department.

The Commonwealth Minister or delegate will then provide the written decision to NOPTA for purposes of communicating to the relevant party.

Delegates may advise their Ministers on whether the advice is comprehensive and reasonable, insert local policy concerns and support or oppose NOPTA’s recommendations.

The Joint Authority is not compelled to accept NOPTA’s advice or recommendations and may seek additional information and/or clarification from or through NOPTA where necessary.

The diagram below shows a sample application assessment process for titles applications

sample application assessment process

Greenhouse Gas

The decision maker for offshore GHG title related applications made under the OPGGS Act is either the responsible Commonwealth Minister, the Titles Administrator, the relevant Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority, or the relevant Cross-boundary Authority.

In the case of some applications such as a Special Authority and Search Authority, the Responsible Commonwealth Minister has delegated the decisions to the Titles Administrator.

Further information on the relevant Cross boundary Authority can be found in the Offshore Greenhouse Gas Guideline for Consolidated bid and Cross-boundary Greenhouse Gas Assessment Permits Guideline.

Grant and Renewal (assessment permit, holding lease and injection licence) & key operations

Transfers and Change in Control (all titles)

Declaration of an identified storage formation (including variation or revocation)

Dealings (all titles)

Variation, suspension, extension or exemption of a condition of title

Change of company name (all titles) & devolution of title

Site Closing Certificate

Credits (work program)

Surrender and cancellation

Search Authority (short term title) – delegated to the General Manager of NOPTA

Research consent

Search Authority (short term title) – delegated to the General Manager of NOPTA

Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority Decisions

Cross–boundary Authority Decisions

Grant of a pipeline and infrastructure licences

Grant of cross-boundary GHG assessment permits (including renewals, suspensions, extensions, variations and exemptions of title conditions)

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