2023 NOPTA stakeholder survey response

14 August 2023

Thank you for participating in the 2023 stakeholder survey

Thank you to all our stakeholders who made the time to participated in the 2023 NOPTA stakeholder survey conducted by KPMG. This is our sixth comprehensive survey of stakeholder views. Your valuable feedback has provided us with important insights relating to our performance in the areas of accessibility of information, regulatory effort, resource management, communication, cost recovery and risk.

The outcomes of the survey represent an excellent result for NOPTA. Some of these key highlights were:

  • NOPTA’s role is very well communicated, with 76 per cent of stakeholders understanding NOPTA’s role to a great extent
  • All stakeholders thought that NOPTA makes a valuable contribution to the process of managing Australia’s resources to a great extent or some extent (100 per cent)
  • The majority of respondents were either very or somewhat satisfied with the technical expertise of NOPTA staff (100 per cent)
  • Respondents largely viewed NOPTA’s current fees and levies as very reasonable or reasonable (88 per cent)

We also appreciate your feedback regarding those areas where you consider performance could be improved. These include matters relevant to collaboration with stakeholders, timeliness of decisions, regulatory effort, and providing additional support with new legislative requirements.

A new strategic plan is currently being finalised and will be published by the end of this calendar year. However, as indicated in our 2020-2023 strategic plan, NOPTA is actively pursuing a range of priorities to optimise our performance and enhance the processes through which we collaborate and engage with our stakeholders. Our online portals and systems are under constant improvement and have had recent upgrades to facilitate online submissions, as well as ongoing work to streamline our internal assessment processes to improve timeframe efficiencies and better track and report on application processing performance. NOPTA will continue to improve its communications and engagement with stakeholders and will refine its communication strategy accordingly.

Further information on our approach and activities to date can be found on our website, including in our annual reports. If you have any further feedback on matters relevant to our performance, you can email us at any time via feedback@nopta.gov.au.

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