Petroleum authorities

The Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 allows for limited petroleum exploration operations to be undertaken under a Special Prospecting Authority (SPA), Access Authority (AA) or Scientific Investigation Consent (SIC).

For further information on what a SPA, AA or SIC authorises and how to apply, refer to the Offshore Petroleum: Special Prospecting Authority, Access Authority and Scientific Investigation Consent Guideline.

NOPTA Forms Guidance

The NOPTA Forms Guidance – Petroleum has been developed as a general guide to assist applicants and titleholders in making valid applications, notifications and nominations.


Application for a petroleum special prospecting authority

Application for a petroleum access authority

Request for variation of a petroleum access authority

Request for extension of duration of a petroleum access authority

Request for a variation, suspension or exemption of conditions(s) of title – petroleum special prospecting authority or petroleum access authority

Application for a petroleum scientific investigation consent

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